All of the Figma keyboard shortcuts you'll ever need. For both Windows & Mac. As major fans of Figma, here's a comprehensive list we've compiled to save you time:
PS: Figma beginner & want to level up? Check out this free email course on how to level up your skills! We're independent Figma educators & Figma experts (not owned by Figma) and have been teaching Figma to productive designers, PMs, and digital experience professionals for years. We've compiled all of our best tips for you there!
Skip right to keyboard shortcuts for Windows
Skip right to keyboard shortcuts for Mac
Show/hide UI: Ctrl + \
Pick color: I
Quick actions: Ctrl + /
Copy: Ctrl + C
Cut: Ctrl + X
Paste: Ctrl + V
Show/hide UI: Ctrl + \
Multi-player cursors: Ctrl + Alt+ \
Rulers: Shift + R
Show outlines: Shift + O
Pixel preview: Ctrl + Shift + P
Layout grids: Shift + G
Pixel grid: Shift + Β '
Open layers panel: Alt+ 1
Libraries: Alt+ 2
Open design panel: Alt + 8
Open prototype panel: Alt + 9
Open inspect panel: Alt + 0
Move tool: V
Frame tool: F
Pen tool: P
Pencil tool: Shift + P
Text tool: T
Rectangle tool: R
Ellipse tool: O
Line tool: L
Arrow tool: Shift + L
Add comment: C
Slice tool: S
Pan: Space + drag
Zoom in: Ctrl +
Zoom out: Ctrl -
Zoom to 100%: Ctrl + 0
Zoom to fit: Shift + 1
Zoom to selection: Shift + 2
Zoom to next frame: N
Zoom to previous frame: Shift + N
Previous page: Pgup
Next page: Pgdown
Find previous frame: Home
Find next frame: End
Bold/italic: Ctrl + B and I
Underline: Ctrl + U
Create link: Ctrl + K
Strikethrough: Ctrl + Shift + X
Turn into a list: Ctrl + Shift + 7 and 8
Text align left: Ctrl + Alt + L
Text align center: Ctrl + Alt + T
Text align right: Ctrl + Alt + R
Text align justified: Ctrl + Alt + J
Adjust font size: Ctrl + Shift + < and >
Adjust font weight: Ctrl + Alt + < and >
Adjust letter spacing: Alt + < and >
Adjust line height: Alt + Shift + < and >
Pen: P
Pencil: Shift + P
Paint bucket (when editing a shape): B
Remove fill: Alt + /
Remove stroke: Shift + /
Swap fill and stroke: Shift + /
Swap fill and stroke: Shift + X
Outline stroke: Ctrl + Shift + O
Flatten selection: Ctrl + E
Join selection (after selecting points): CTRL + J
Delete and heal selection (after selecting points): Shift + Β backspace
Select all: Ctrl + A
Select inverse: Ctrl + Shift + A
Select none: Esc
Deep select: Ctrl + click
Select children: Enter
Select parent: \
Select next sibling: Tab
Select previous sibling: Shift + Tab
Select all matching layers: Ctrl + Alt + A
Group selection: Ctrl + G
Ungroup selection: Ctrl + backspace
Frame selection: Ctrl + Alt + G
Show/hide selection: Ctrl + Shift + H
Lock/unlock selection: Ctrl + Shift + L
Measure to selection (while pointing): Alt
Duplicate selection (while moving): Alt
Deep select (while clicking): Ctrl + click
Deep select within rectangle (while dragging to select): Ctrl + drag
Resize from center (while resizing): Alt
Resize proportionally (while resizing): Shift
Crop images/ignore constraints for frames while resizing: Ctrl
Copy: Ctrl: C
Cut: Ctrl: X
Paste: Ctrl: V
Paste to replace: Ctrl + Shift + R
Paste over selection: Ctrl + Shift + V
Duplicate: + Ctrl + D
Rename selection: Ctrl + R
Export: Ctrl + Shift + E
Find: Ctrl + F
Copy as PNG: Ctrl + Shift + C
Copy properties: Ctrl + Alt + C
Paste properties: Ctrl + Alt + V
Flip horizontal: Shift + H
Flip vertical: Shift + V
Use as mask: Ctrl + Alt + M
Edit shape or image: Enter
Place image: Ctrl + Shift + K
Set opacity to 0%: 0 + 0
Set opacity to 10%: 1
Set opacity to 50%: 5
Set opacity to 100%: 0
Bring forward: Ctrl + ]
Send backward: Ctrl: [
Bring to front: ]
Bring to back: [
Align left/right: Alt + A and D
Align top/bottom: Alt + W and S
Align centers: Alt + H and V
Distribute spacing: Alt + Shift + H and V
Tidy up: Ctrl: Alt + Shift + T
Add auto layout: Shift + A
Remove auto layout: Alt + Shift + A
Show assets: Alt + 2
Team library: Ctrl + Alt + O
Create component: Ctrl + Alt + K
Detach instance: Ctrl + Alt + B
Insert: Shift + I
Swap component instance (while inserting a component): Alt
Show/hide UI: β + \
Pick color: I
Quick actions: β + /
Copy: β + C
Cut: β + X
Paste: β + V
Show/hide UI: β + \
Multi-player cursors: β + Alt+ \
Rulers: Shift + R
Show outlines: Shift + O
Pixel preview: β + Shift + P
Layout grids: Shift + G
Pixel grid: Shift + Β '
Open layers panel: Alt+ 1
Libraries: Alt+ 2
Open design panel: Alt + 8
Open prototype panel: Alt + 9
Open inspect panel: Alt + 0
Move tool: V
Frame tool: F
Pen tool: P
Pencil tool: Shift + P
Text tool: T
Rectangle tool: R
Ellipse tool: O
Line tool: L
Arrow tool: Shift + L
Add comment: C
Slice tool: S
Pan: Space + drag
Zoom in: β +
Zoom out: β -
Zoom to 100%: β + 0
Zoom to fit: Shift + 1
Zoom to selection: Shift + 2
Zoom to next frame: N
Zoom to previous frame: Shift + N
Previous page: Pgup
Next page: Pgdown
Find previous frame: Home
Find next frame: End
Bold/italic: β + B and I
Underline: β + U
Create link: β + K
Strikethrough: β + Shift + X
Turn into a list: β + Shift + 7 and 8
Text align left: β + Alt + L
Text align center: β + Alt + T
Text align right: β + Alt + R
Text align justified: β + Alt + J
Adjust font size: β + Shift + < and >
Adjust font weight: β + Alt + < and >
Adjust letter spacing: Alt + < and >
Adjust line height: Alt + Shift + < and >
Pen: P
Pencil: Shift + P
Paint bucket (when editing a shape): B
Remove fill: Alt + /
Remove stroke: Shift + /
Swap fill and stroke: Shift + /
Swap fill and stroke: Shift + X
Outline stroke: β + Shift + O
Flatten selection: β + E
Join selection (after selecting points): β + J
Delete and heal selection (after selecting points): Shift + Β backspace
Select all: β + A
Select inverse: β + Shift + A
Select none: Esc
Deep select: β + click
Select children: Enter
Select parent: \
Select next sibling: Tab
Select previous sibling: Shift + Tab
Select all matching layers: β + Alt + A
Group selection: β + G
Ungroup selection: β + backspace
Frame selection: β + Alt + G
Show/hide selection: β + Shift + H
Lock/unlock selection: β + Shift + L
Measure to selection (while pointing): Alt
Duplicate selection (while moving): Alt
Deep select (while clicking): β + click
Deep select within rectangle (while dragging to select): β + drag
Resize from center (while resizing): Alt
Resize proportionally (while resizing): Shift
Crop images/ignore constraints for frames while resizing: β
Copy: β: C
Cut: β: X
Paste: β: V
Paste to replace: β + Shift + R
Paste over selection: β + Shift + V
Duplicate: + β + D
Rename selection: β + R
Export: β + Shift + E
Find: β + F
Copy as PNG: β + Shift + C
Copy properties: β + Alt + C
Paste properties: β + Alt + V
Flip horizontal: Shift + H
Flip vertical: Shift + V
Use as mask: β + Alt + M
Edit shape or image: Enter
Place image: β + Shift + K
Set opacity to 0%: 0 + 0
Set opacity to 10%: 1
Set opacity to 50%: 5
Set opacity to 100%: 0
Bring forward: β + ]
Send backward: β: [
Bring to front: ]
Bring to back: [
Align left/right: Alt + A and D
Align top/bottom: Alt + W and S
Align centers: Alt + H and V
Distribute spacing: Alt + Shift + H and V
Tidy up: β: Alt + Shift + T
Add auto layout: Shift + A
Remove auto layout: Alt + Shift + A
Show assets: Alt + 2
Team library: β + Alt + O
Create component: β + Alt + K
Detach instance: β + Alt + B
Insert: Shift + I
Swap component instance (while inserting a component): Alt
This is an educational guide. You can check out their official site here.